
小型超音波治療器/Palm-sized Ultrasound / US-101L


The World’s Smallest Class Ultrasound Device

PORTABILITY:As the weight of these units is less than 200 g and the unit size is very compact, you can easily bring them anywhere you like.

ONE-HAND OPERATION: You can focus on treatment as you do not need to look away to change intensity. Thus, this feature contributes to safe treatment with easy operation.

WATERPROOF: US-101L and US-103S are particularly popular at outdoor sports events.

Client: Ito Co., Ltd./2011

工業デザイン 医療機器 分野

デザインフィールド:医療機器/産業機器/工業製品/生活家電/乗物/ロボット/IT機器/美容機器/健康機器UI / UX/CIデザイン/パッケージ/パンフレット/展示会ブースのデザインから機構設計/試作(プロトタイプ)製作/開発監修まで対応