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concept design / 11.2021

Advanced Transportation Concept for medical supplies with Drone System Design.

 1. 医療物資の不足や配送時の交通事情問題を解決し、陸・空輸送の双方を可能とする。
 2. 医療現場での利用者のもとまで 効果的かつタイムリーな輸送を可能とする。
 3. AI導入による医療検疫検査をも含めたプロセス時間の短縮を狙う。



開発者へのアイデアを提供することがプロダクトデザイナー/工業デザイナーのミッションと考えています。小さなプロダクトデザイン会社/工業デザイン会社 ADC アオキデザインだからこそ出来る一歩進んだ先の医療物資のスマート輸送を!出来るだけ早く この創造を具現化し、可視化してみたわけです。この記事に共感して頂けたら、是非ともドローン開発に関わる方々にこの提案を届けて頂けると嬉しく思います。一歩進んだ先を想い描くユニークな開発者に このアイデアが届くことを期待してます。

Advanced Transportation System for Medical Supplies, by CDSD

 (Concept of Drone System Design)  

Mission of Design System

  1. Providing solution(s) against immediate demands of medical supplies, and any general traffic-problems, in both grand level and airlifts.
  2. For users (hospitals/medical stores/patients) who need any medical supplies immediately, by the new system of physical distributions.
  3. With providing solutions for time reductions in medical inspection processes.

It is a system proposal that includes Drone system with a container of supplies (a robot-like career) which can be called `Medy` (medical delivery system) . 

The facility of this system at the medical suppliers can be attached next to the stock facility. Or attached to a factory of medicines/medical supplies. << it could be called as the stock tower.

In the stock tower, an AI Control System is provided.  Delivery of demands will be reached to the AI Control System, directly from those of places of demands, such as, from hospitals, stricken areas and refuge places.

The function of AI Control System in the facility makes demand(s) to a particular department(s) to pack those goods to the Medy and make a command. The Medy starts to the particular Drone.  Also, the AI Control System will provide a delivery plan (flight root, delivery root etc.).  So that the Drone will depart immediately to the targeted place.  At the landing place, the Drone releases the Medy, as like a spaceship leaves a capsule to a planet.  Medy will start moving toward a commanded place, per an information given from the AI Control System.

So far, there is a limitation always about the landing spot for a Drone. Therefore, someone of staffs has to be pick goods up at the place where a Drone landed. A Drone releases a Medy, at the landed place, then the Medy starts to deliver it to the place been commanded.  The vacant Medy will back to the Drone and being collected. This system is intended a delivery to be done with a minimum human error, in a situation of human resource being shorted.

As far as a mission of Industrial Designer, I am thinking this way. . .. .the mission is to provide `ideas` for engineers / developers to provide solutions / systems / etc.. We, ADC (as a design developer), are thinking that. . . .   .Due to a small scale of organization as an ID developer, any valuable proposals/solutions can be conveyed simply (as like this proposal) in our BLOG page). With an intention of . . . .

To any developers of Drone system. . .. If you would have any interest of this delivery system with Drone. Please contact with us – ADC for your further development to be more valuable. I am hoping this article / proposal would reach to you who are in a position of far-running developers.

Originated by ADC / 2021

デザインフィールド:医療機器/産業機器/工業製品/生活家電/乗物/ロボット/IT機器/美容機器/健康機器UI / UX/CIデザイン/パッケージ/パンフレット/展示会ブースのデザインから機構設計/試作(プロトタイプ)製作/開発監修まで対応